Admission Criteria for Charter School | Bonneville Academy | Stansbury Park, Utah

What Are The Admission Criteria For Charter Schools? Does It Use selective Admissions Criteria?

Selecting the best school environment for your child is a tricky and thoroughly analyzed method that should match the needs of your child. Charter schools are gaining high popularity it offers an advantage for parents to get a school with goals that directly match the requirements of the child’s educational needs. The benefits of charter schools are exclusive and more focused on

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Afterschool Programs In Charter School | Bonneville Academy | Stansbury Park, Utah

What are the afterschool programs?

Do your kids go to school? If so, you may have thought about what afterschool programs can help you and your child improve. Effective afterschool programs provide learning environments that benefit adolescents, families, and communities.  Children and adolescents can benefit from afterschool programs that foster social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, reduce hazardous behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a

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School Dress Code | Bonneville Academy | Stansbury Park, Utah

What are the benefits of the school dress code?

In recent years,the school dress code has developed to be the most common rule in many schools acrossthe USA. Contrary to the necessity of students to wear precise clothing in theform of uniforms, dress codes give the guidelines that allow students to wearany type of clothing which meets the specifications mentioned by the school,whether they relate to the color, style

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School Drop off and Pick Ups for Students | Charter School | Bonneville Academy | Stansbury Park, Utah

What Are the Commandments of School Drop-Off and Pick-Up?

Drivingyour child to school in the morning and picking them after the school is mostprobably two of the most rushing proceedings in a parent’s routine. But withtaking care of a few things, you can ensure that it would be a smooth process.Below are the major commandmentsof school drop-off and pick up that has to follow by every parent: 1. Ensuring to

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Psychological effects of COVID 19 on Students | Bonneville Academy | Stansbury Park, Utah

What Are The Psychological Effects Of Covid-19 On Students In School?

Everyone and everything have been changed since Corona Viruses Disease spread throughout, one of the most affected individuals with this pandemic is students, Charter school students.Life is very unpredictable. Every day, there are things that could happen to you that you never expected. These things may bring a good or bad outcome to your life that you should learn to

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Children walking to School | Bonneville Academy | Stansbury Park, Utah

What Is the Difference Between a Charter School and A Public School?

Ifyou are a parent of a middle or high school child, you would be in the processof finding some good school. With many possible options, how would youdetermine the best choice for your kid? Hence, it is very important tounderstand the style of operation before getting deep into the availablefacilities. You will require to know the key differences between CharterSchools

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