Is the current pandemic illustrating the potential for e-learning to replace public schools?

Is the current pandemic illustrating the potential for e-learning to replace public schools?

The phrase “new normal” has become one of the most often used in the pandemic aftermath. The increased use of online learning tools has become the new standard in education. The COVID-19 outbreak has encouraged the development of novel learning approaches. E-Learning institutions are using online learning platforms worldwide to help them continue to educate students. The new normal is a reformed approach to education, including online learning at its core. Digital learning has emerged as a critical resource for students, public schools, and charter schools worldwide. This is a new form of teaching for many educational institutions that they have adapted. Online learning is being used not only to study academics but also to learn extracurricular activities. Increased demand for E-learning is expected to continue in the coming months and years.

E-learning, As with most educational modalities, has benefits and drawbacks. Comprehending these advantages and disadvantages will help institutions develop strategies for more efficiently presenting lectures, ensuring students have an uninterrupted learning journey. So here are some things to consider about the current pandemic illustrating the potential for E-learning to replace public schools.


Flexible to a Variety of Learning Methods

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to education. Aural learning is preferred by some pupils, while others prefer visual knowledge. Similarly, some kids succeed in the classroom, while others are alone, and large groups of people can be a distraction.

There are many methods to customize the online learning system because of its many possibilities and resources. It’s the most efficient way to create a learning environment that’s exactly right for each student.

Affordability in a Sense

In addition to saving time and money, online learning is an excellent option. Online education is substantially less expensive than traditional learning. This is since online learning reduces the costs of student transportation, meals, and, most crucially, real estate. Also, all course or study materials are available online, resulting in a paperless, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible learning environment.

It is Efficient

Online learning allows teachers to give lessons to students in a more efficient manner. Online learning includes various materials such as videos, PDFs, and podcasts, which teachers can incorporate into their lesson plans. Teachers can become more efficient instructors by expanding the lesson plan beyond standard textbooks to include online resources.

Accessibility and Attendance

In addition to the convenience of online education, students may attend classes from any location. It also enables public schools to reach out to a more extensive network of pupils rather than be limited by geographical limits. Online lectures can also be recorded, saved, and shared for later use. Enables students to access the course material at their own pace.

As a result, online E-learning provides students with the flexibility of time and place in education. Since they can do online classes from home or any other location, students are less likely to skip classes.

The Disadvantages

It can be Lonely

Students may learn a lot from being in the company of their classmates. However, there are limited physical interactions between students and lecturers in an online class. Usually results in the children feeling alone. In this instance, the school must allow for other modes of communication among students, classmates, and teachers. Includes online chatting, emails, and video conferencing, enabling face-to-face interaction and lessening feelings of isolation.

Problems with Technology

Another big issue with online classrooms is internet connectivity. While internet coverage has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, maintaining a consistent connection at a sufficient speed remains difficult in smaller towns and villages. Without a reliable internet connection, there may be inconsistencies in their learning. This is detrimental to the learning process.

The possible health risk

Many parents worry about their children’s health when they spend so much time looking at a computer screen. When it comes to online education, screen time is one of its most severe drawbacks and drawbacks. Students may develop poor posture and other health issues due to spending extended periods hunched over a computer screen.

An ideal option would be to give pupils frequent breaks from the computer to rejuvenate their minds and bodies.

Inability to Concentrate on Screens

For many e-learners, one of the most challenging components of online learning is focusing on a screen for lengthy periods. Students are more prone to become distracted by social media or other sites when learning online. As a result, to keep students focused on the subject, teachers must make their online classes brief, engaging, and interactive.

Educators Online Literacy

There are exceptions, however. Teachers may have little or no technology experience. Sometimes, they may not even be equipped to offer online lessons.

Teaching instructors about the latest technology breakthroughs would help them conduct online lessons more smoothly.

The Big Question: Can E-Learning Replace Face-to-Face Learning

Online classes had existed for a long time, even before technology made them widely available. Traditional schooling has seen an expansion in the availability of virtual training materials and online courses, with online classes requiring more drive and self-discipline than classroom-based courses. Educators and peers in the classroom can hold students accountable for their course effort. On the other hand, E-learning classes require students to define personal goals, track processes and fulfill deadlines. This is the modern era in which technical innovation and fast digitization play a growing role in determining the direction of the entire world. Because of its popularity, many courses and areas are now offering online study opportunities. While only a few schools provide these online courses and programs, new programs are being developed at various colleges and universities. Incorporating online materials and processes reveals a lot about the evolution of education in our modern world and the expectations placed on the learners and educators who have the terrible duty of navigating academics in our day and age.

Online education is effective because it breaks through the barriers erected by traditional schooling. While conventional education is beneficial to many students, several components of conventional education are clearly out of date. There is the structure-focused approach to learning. To make the process easier for pupils, students in formal education must adhere to a single learning method – a structured setting without any personal applications. Kids are expected to be on campus on set days, planning their life around their studies, and traditional education has met a few stumbling blocks in recent years. On the other hand, online education effectively removes all of the restrictions created by conventional schooling. Students can learn from anywhere, anytime, as long as they have a functional gadget to study.

On the other hand, E-learning does not provide rapid and consistent access to professors and classmates as traditional face-to-face education. Email and virtual discussion boards are commonly used for communication. While this can help with learning technology, it severely influences students’ ability to engage with teachers, ask questions, and receive immediate assistance. It also eliminates some of the social and team-building activities in the classrooms. As a result, there is a common misconception that online programs require less time and effort than traditional schooling. Online students must also participate in class discussions and complete assignments, papers, and projects. Team activities may also increase time commitment in some classes because students must connect with peers electronically and cooperate on tasks.

One of the significant reasons students fail to comply with their online courses is a lack of self-motivation. Various aspects in typical classrooms constantly push pupils toward their learning objectives. Face-to-face interaction with professors, peer-to-peer activities, and rigid schedules all work together to keep students on track during their studies. However, fewer external pressures encourage pupils to perform in an online learning environment. In many circumstances, students are left to fend for themselves during learning activities, with no one constantly encouraging them to achieve their learning objectives. Students enrolled in E-Learning courses will frequently be needed to master challenging materials in the comfort of their own homes, without the added pressure that is typically associated with traditional universities. As a result, students who lack strong self-motivation and time management skills may find it challenging to meet regular deadlines during the online study.

To summarize, online education is still a relatively new concept in education. Yet, it has had a tremendous impact on learners and educators across the business and worldwide. Online education is here to stay, and it will only continue to evolve and improve as time goes on. Unfortunately, replacing traditional education with online programs is still a contentious issue because there are currently more detrimental than positive effects. As technology advances, there are other approaches to improve the quality of online classes.

The Take-away

Our mission at Bonneville Academy is to provide our students and families with a school experience, whether face-to-face or through e-learning charter school education for your child. Bonneville Academy wants you to be comfortable with the decision to enroll your kid on our campus. We recognize that you may have various questions about your child’s charter school experience; don’t worry; we are more than delighted to provide you with the information you require and answer all of your inquiries. There are various methods to get in touch with us. You can visit our website and schedule an appointment to learn more about Bonneville Academy and the advantages of attending our charter school. We want what is best for your child, just like you, and we guarantee that Bonneville Academy will prepare your child for the ever-changing and competitive dynamic world out there.

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