Food in School during Night | Bonneville Academy | Stansbury Park, Utah

Top Benefit of Food Benefit Night and Its Importance in Charter School

A classic hit from Whitney Houston has lyrics that say that the children are our future. Indeed, children are treasures that we must conserve, support, and cultivate in their younger years. 

Our school is all about prospering the young minds of the students and helping them grow to their full potential to be good members of society. That’s why we continuously contemplate a way to boost the opportunity for learners to discover new learnings. However, learning is not the only important thing we must impart to our children. 

As elders, we are responsible for their well-being. Helping the children develop holistically means helping them grow academically, socially, emotionally, mentally, and physically. All of these aspects complement one another in creating the whole being of a child. 

We want to boost our role in prospering the lives of our dear learners and developing them holistically. And we share these common goals with the parents and the responsibility of being present for these younger people while they are growing up. 

Teachers and administrators cannot do all the work in developing the learners. Children need a healthy body to perform on their own and a good relationship with their family to shape and inspire them to become the best that they can. So, as a step in supporting their body and relationship with their family, we decided to hold a Food Benefit Night for everyone involved in our school.

Food Benefit Night

Food is an essential need to survive. We consume food to function well, develop properly, and live. Eating proper foods benefits the learners in so many ways. They gain nutrients that make their body and mind strong, develop immunity against illness, and keep the energy even in complicated tasks. 

We serve as an advocate in developing the wholeness of the learners. So, with the partnership of companies that cook foods for everyone, the school is offering Food Benefit Nights for the whole family of children enrolled in Bonneville Academy

Companies such as Arby’s, Dicky’s, Hometown Pizza, Panda Express, and Roxberry will give us special evenings when families can buy food while giving back to the school. 


It will help the school.

Our partner food companies in Food Benefit Night will donate a percentage of the total sales from receipts with flyers to Bonneville Academy. These donations will help the school with expenses and necessary improvements for a better learning experience for your children. In addition, it will support specific activities organized by the school. The funding will also assist in compensating the effort and dedication that our teachers are putting into their profession here in school. We ensure that no amount will be for personal use. Charter schools have transparent fund reports that reflect the honest administration of the school. 

Parents and the school will have common goals.

With this program, the school and parents are helping the children have the quality of education they need and deserve. We consider Food Benefit Night an organized strategy between the parents and the school to support programs and activities financially without solicitation. 

Bring the family closer.

Each member of the family is often focused and busy with their work and tasks. That’s why it is important to have a family dinner when everyone in the family can comfortably sit around the table with their loved ones. With Food Benefit Night, we do not only help the school. We also support families in keeping close. 

No hustle cooking for mothers

Food Benefit Night will make the meal more special, especially for mothers. Parents can have time to loosen up and not worry about what to cook for dinner at once. So, parents can do fun activities and spend more precious time together with their children with the dine-in, to-go, or delivery orders available during Food Benefit Night.

Children will learn positive eating behavior.

Grown-ups are role models for children. Their parents, especially, have significant effects and contributions on what they will be. Eating together with your kids will impart tradition and manners to the table. Children will have a closed moment to watch and observe your eating manners, for instance, which hand holds the spoon and holds the pork. If you are a religious or spiritual person and want to start showing your kid your practices, a meal together will allow you to show them some of it—for example, thanksgiving for the food on your table.

Give everyone a good night’s sleep.

The last benefit of Food Benefit Night in this list is having a good night’s sleep. A typical night will usually exhaust the parents with all the dinner preparations involved. And honestly, when parents are stressed out, so are the children. After eating the meal, there is also the chore of cleaning up. Can you imagine not preparing food for one night? It will be bliss! No dinner to cook and no plates to wash. 

Every family member will have a good night’s sleep because of the excellent meal, convenience, and happy time with the family. 

More information about Food Benefit Nights and detailed offers of our food business partners are available on the Bonneville Academy website. For any inquiries and clarification, please contact our school administrators to help you. 

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